Space and Art

Art and space have a lot to do with perspective. In the video, Powers of Ten, I was able to see the different perspectives of zooming out from a person on earth and into space, but also zooming into that person and seeing life from the size of a molecule. This made me think about space in a different and more creative way. While I have always thought of space as extraterrestrial, or anything that is not on earth, I have come to think about space as actually being everywhere. When zooming into the molecules of a human being, the space in that small of an area is infinite, and can get infinitely smaller. Therefore while space has always seemed so far away, this video opened my eyes to a space that is actually much closer, a space within me and everyone.
I believe this is why space and art are so seamlessly intertwined. Space makes me think about the world and life in a whole new way. It sparks creativity and imagination because it is still such a mystery. In order to make new discoveries and advancements about space, one has to think outside the box and use the information already known in a way that never has before.
Not only is art found within space through scientific discovery, but all aspects of space are visually astonishing. The stars, galaxies, planets, and every other aspect in space have all been inspiration for artwork, because of their visual aesthetics.
Even religion has been a major factor in space discovery starting thousands of years ago when ancient astronomers believed that the stars were home to the gods. Art is found everywhere in space, and space has been mapped out in the minds of humans because of art and philosophical thought. Art and space together have created the most amazing discoveries and developments in history to date.


“Bonestell - Home.” Chesley Bonestell,

Office, Eames, director. YouTube. YouTube, YouTube, 26 Aug. 2010,

Online, UC, director. YouTube. YouTube, YouTube, 29 July 2013,

Online, UC, director. YouTube. YouTube, YouTube, 29 July 2013,

Online, UC, director. YouTube. YouTube, YouTube, 30 May 2012,


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