
Event #3

This week I was able to visit The Broad, a museum in Los Angeles. Visiting this museum was definitely the coolest and most interesting place that I was able to visit this quarter. I love going to museums and observing different artists’ perspectives on why they create the art that they do, so going to The Broad museum was an amazing way to see the diversity of artwork as well as the diversity in motives for creating art.  Here I was able to witness many ways in which artists integrate science and technology into their work, sometimes without even realizing it. For example, there was an exhibition in which an artist created a giant dining room table and chairs. This piece of art required specific measurements and knowledge of angles and geometry in order to make the piece work in the way in which the artist visioned it. I thought this piece was especially interesting because I was able to interact with it where I compared my body to the size of this table and to the size of reali

Space and Art

Art and space have a lot to do with perspective. In the video, Powers of Ten , I was able to see the different perspectives of zooming out from a person on earth and into space, but also zooming into that person and seeing life from the size of a molecule. This made me think about space in a different and more creative way. While I have always thought of space as extraterrestrial, or anything that is not on earth, I have come to think about space as actually being everywhere. When zooming into the molecules of a human being, the space in that small of an area is infinite, and can get infinitely smaller. Therefore while space has always seemed so far away, this video opened my eyes to a space that is actually much closer, a space within me and everyone. I believe this is why space and art are so seamlessly intertwined. Space makes me think about the world and life in a whole new way. It sparks creativity and imagination because it is still such a mystery. In order to make new disc

Nanotechnology and Art

There are so many ways in which nanotechnology can be and already is applied to art. According to Dr. Gimzewski materials have different properties at the nanoscale than they do at a normal scale seen by humans. Therefore, these unique properties can be utilized in new ways in order to form different versions of these materials. For example, the way gold is seen at the regular scale is completely transformed when seen at the nanoscale, where nanosized gold particles appear red. This was used in the Lycurgus Cup created by the Romans around 400 AC. This cup appears green in the daylight, however when light shines into the cup, the gold shines red due to the fact that it was created with nanosized gold particles. Because nanoparticles have unique properties and phenomenons that occur on such a small scale, their properties are perfect for artistic purposes. New types of colors and new types of chemistry have the potential to be transformed at the nanoscale in a way never seen befor

Neuroscience and Art

Out of all the topics covered so far throughout this course, neuroscience seems to have the strongest connection to art. Neuroscience, meaning all things involving the brain, is the the area of science that is responsible for explaining why living things do the thing they do. Therefore, it explains how and why people create art and think artistically. As talked about in Lecture Video Pt. 1, consciousness is the sense of one’s personal or collective identity. Having consciousness enables people to make decisions, have opinions, and to be aware of themselves and others around them. Having consciousness makes a person themself, while also making every person unique. That being said, consciousness holds the capability in creating art and thinking philosophically. Your brain is able to form your mind, and the mind is where creativity is invented. Even though the brain can be seen and studied scientifically, it is responsible for a human’s ability to create. Another idea that conne

Event #2

This week I was able to go to the birthplace of the internet, right here on UCLA’s campus! The Leonard Kleinrock Internet Heritage Site was very interesting place to visit. It is so crazy to me that I was in the same place where the internet, something that I use everyday and am using right this moment, was first created. To see this room and compare how far we have advanced, just from 1969, was a very cool experience. When I think about how this site and all its technologies relate to art, I think of the creativity that it takes in order to come up with an idea such as the internet. It takes a very creative and unique mind to think up something that seems so advanced and untouchable. Not only is the idea a work of art, but the IMP that was used in order to send this signal was preserved as if it was a precious piece of art. The original lab was re-created and put on display so that everyone can remember and visit this event and place. This room is now considered a museum, a
Learning about the relationship between biotechnology and art this week was very interesting. To see the many different ways in which people have been able to combine different forms of life with art surprised me and made me think about all the ways in which I have overlooked biology as art. In my opinion, I believe that life itself is most definitely a valid expressive medium. The way in which the human body is organized and functions shows so much beauty and complexities that are aesthetically pleasing. The structures that exist in the human body and many other life forms are so complex and unique in the way that they are sculpted and molded to our bodies. As discussed in part one of the lecture video, they are art themselves and they come together to create one elaborate and extremely intricate art form, a living organism. The way in which scientist and artists have been able to connect these two subjects in order to make new developments has shown that combining these two m
Here is the link to my Midterm Project!              Download SOPHIA_LAHMIDI_DESMA9_MIDTERM.PDF.PDF.pptx