
Showing posts from June, 2019

Event #3

This week I was able to visit The Broad, a museum in Los Angeles. Visiting this museum was definitely the coolest and most interesting place that I was able to visit this quarter. I love going to museums and observing different artists’ perspectives on why they create the art that they do, so going to The Broad museum was an amazing way to see the diversity of artwork as well as the diversity in motives for creating art.  Here I was able to witness many ways in which artists integrate science and technology into their work, sometimes without even realizing it. For example, there was an exhibition in which an artist created a giant dining room table and chairs. This piece of art required specific measurements and knowledge of angles and geometry in order to make the piece work in the way in which the artist visioned it. I thought this piece was especially interesting because I was able to interact with it where I compared my body to the size of this table and to the size of reali